Privacy Policy for Pricer Shopify Application

Thank you for choosing Pricer.This Privacy Policy aims to transparently communicate how Pricer handles data when interacting with the Shopify platform.

1. Information Handling:

Pricer operates by utilizing the Shopify API and receives the necessary information, specifically the authentication token, from the Shopify platform. The authentication token is employed exclusively for executing API calls and updating prices in the user's Shopify store.

2. Data Storage and Retention:

Pricer does not store any data received from the Shopify platform. The authentication token is used in real-time for API calls and is not stored or retained by Pricer.

3. API Token Security:

We prioritize the security of your authentication token. Pricer implements industry-standard security measures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the authentication token during API calls.

4. Purpose Limitation:

The authentication token is solely used for the purpose of updating prices in the user's Shopify store. Pricer does not utilize the information for any other functions, and it is not shared, sold, or disclosed to third parties.

5. User Control:

Users maintain control over the information transmitted through the Shopify API. If you wish to revoke access or have any concerns regarding the use of your authentication token, you can disconnect Pricer from your Shopify store, thereby halting any further API calls.

6. Changes to Privacy Policy:

This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically. Users will be notified of significant changes, and the latest version of the policy will be available on this page.

7. Contact Information:

If you have inquiries or concerns about this Privacy Policy or Pricer's practices, please contact us.

By using Pricer, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy. We encourage you to regularly review this policy for updates.